Comparison of transverse strength of repaired visible light-polymerized resin to pressured auto polymerizing and conventional heat-polymerized acrylic resin


Background: The flexural strength of a material is the load at which the material fractures under bending load. The
aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of using different repair methods (light cure, short cycle, Ivomate) on
transverse strength of acrylic resin denture base.
Materials and methods: Thirty specimens were prepared and were divided into three groups, ten (heat cure)
specimens repaired with heat cure acrylic and ten (heat cure) specimens repaired with heat pressure steam cold
cure acrylic, other ten (light cure) specimens repaired with light cure acrylic resin. The measurement of transverse
strength of the specimens under three –point loading using Instron- Testing machine was made.
Results: The higher values of transverse strength were recorded in specimens repaired with cold cure acrylic using
Ivomate curing method. The light cure repair acrylic was significantly inferior than other groups there was a non
significant difference between heats cure (short cycle) and cold cure (Ivomate) repaired acrylic resin.
Conclusion: The curing method has a considerable influence on transverse strength of repaired acrylic resin. The
pressured cold cure acrylic repairs are the best material in comparison with heat cure and light cure acrylic repairs.
Keywords: Acrylic resin, Instron machine, light curing, Ivomate curing. (J Bagh Coll Dentistry 2009; 21(4): 30-32).