Evaluation of some adhesive materials for repairing gypsum models


The aim of this study was to evaluate some adhesive materialsthat are used in dentistry for repairing of gypsum cast.The specimens were prepared with dimensions 121×16×10mm length, width and thickness, respectively. The total numberof specimens was 96 (48 specimens for dental plaster,while the other 48 specimens were for dental stone). The lengthof each specimen was measured and recorded on its surface,then the specimens were fractured into two pieces and reattachedtogether with one of the three adhesive materials, reattachmentwas done either immediately (time= 0) or after 4minutes of adhesive application. These specimens were dividedinto six groups for each gypsum product, which involved:Group 1: Control, unrepaired specimens; group 2: Polycarboxylatecement, time= 0; group 3: Polyacrylic acid solution,time= 0; group 4: Polyacrylic acid solution, time= 4 minutes;group 5: Cyanoacrylate adhesive, time= 0; group 6: Cyanoacrylateadhesive, time= 4 minutes. The length of each specimenwas measured again and differences in length for each repairedspecimen was measured. Then all specimens were subjectedto the flexure of transverse strength test. Data were analyzedusing analysis of variance and Duncan’s Multiple RangeTest.The results indicated that using of cyanoacrylate adhesive,time= 0 and polyacrylic acid solution, time = 4 minuteshad significantly higher transverse strength providing maximumadhesion for each gypsum product. The results of this studyalso showed that there were dimensional changes with polycarboxylatecement adhesive and such changes not observedwith cyanoacrylate and polyacrylic acid solution adhesives.