Improving the Performance of a Non-Fissile Target for Spallation Neutron Sources


Spallation neutron sources are new generation of neutron sources which offers higher neutron fluxes over currently available sources [1]. In spallation process a heavy material target is bombarded by very high energy particles. Each atoms of the target splits into several fragments with several output neutrons [2]. This research is an improvement to a previous research [3] for using a non-fissile material in the target of spallation neutron sources. The spallation source of Rutherford Laboratory has been taken as a sample of calculations [4]. In this research, some changes has been made to the geometry of the spallation source to increase its neutron flux production and to improve its performance. These changes are allowed because of using a non-fissile material in the target instead of depleted uranium. Tungsten and Tantalum has been tested as a fuel in the target. Neutron production from these materials have been found to be very close to that produced from depleted uranium target after changing the composition of the target and geometry of the source.