توظيف وسائل الاستشعار عن بعد في دراسة طبوغرافية بحيرة سد الموصل


Abstract:Topography, Watershed, drainage and catchments delineation in earlier years conducted manually, but recently this has changed after the huge utilization of Remote Sensing and GIS tools in hydrologic Modeling Analysis.The appearance of the Shuttle's Radar Topography Mission data (SRTM) that named Digital Elevation Model (DEM) gave GIS and RS reasonable progress.Morphmetric analysis results depend on the analysis of field data and manual delineation of watershed. In GIS and RS results depend on accuracy of DEM data being used.It is found that SRTM-DEM with a reasonable resolution of 90 meters per grid cell provided reliable delineation for the topographic surrounding area of Mosul Dam Lake in Morphmetric analysis, after removing all no-data voids and filling the sink holes in the raw DEM data for the study area.Also, using the 3D modeling view of lake surrounding area provided a look for water levels in the reservoir above ground or sea level.