الحدود الحرارية واثرها على زراعة محصولي القمح والشعير في قضاء بلدروز


The study of thermal limits and their effect on the agricultural situation in the district of Baladruz is considered one of the studies that lacks for attention and research. Thus, this study sheds light on an important aspect of the heat ; thermal limits and their effect on growing wheat and barley crops in the district of Baladruz as , first , they are two strategic food . And their product helps achieve self-sufficiency. Secondly , this will support agricultural planning and economic independence of the country now and in the future . Temperatures vary in the study area , as characterized by contrast during winter and by relative rise during summer months which gradually decreases as we move from the south to the north of the study area meeting the thermal scale of the nature of the surface of Iraq . It has been reached to uncover the extent of the disparity of mini , max and opt temperature rates during the growth stages of both crops , in addition to the obvious differences between the suitable crop requirements like temperatures compared to those available at each climate station during the months that represent that stage . The study reveals great differences in suitable temperature requirements ( mini , max , opt ) for each crop during each stage of growth for the needs of the three basic thermal requirements for the same stages .