Good concept when Aristotle


Every art, mental examination, act or choice are all directed towards something good, so good is described as that thing that all meant for, and if teleology is a phenomenon in nature, so it is more visible in the human being since any act aims to a specific goal without it the actor would not have done such an act. Although targets are variant but they are ranked and each target is subjected to anther target and leads to another, towards an ultimate goal that all acts direct to. This end is the greater good and people think that this end is happiness in spite of the difference in their understanding of its meaning and they judge this end according to three biographies: biography of pleasure, biography of dignity and biography of seeing. Happiness according to Aristotle comes through care and exercise and that man is the only being who can achieve noble acts and the most effective element in happiness is the virtuous act. The happy man is that whose acts are compatible with virtue, so happiness is an activity agrees with virtue and Aristotle did not rule out any common ideas about happiness since any activity that aim to virtue is necessarily accompanied by pleasure in light that pleasure is a natural companion to any free non-disabled act. The research that deals with good, finding out its essence and measuring it, as well as distinguishing between good and evil occupied the human thought old and new. Philosophers differ among themselves in their conception of the nature of the good, so the history of philosophical thought distinguished more that one direction in determining the meaning of good such as the scientists of ideal intuition and the teleologists one of whom is Aristotle and his theory of good which is the fulcrum in the ethical doctrine of Aristote, and in this case he was closer to reality than his teacher "Plato". In this research we addressed the theory of good and we divided the research into three themes: in the first theme we deal with the concept, nature and measurement of good, while in the second theme we deal with the ultimate good in the philosophy of Aristotle and in the third theme we address topics like: good, happiness and moral virtues. The research ends with a summary and a list of references.