An Assessment of the Intermediate Level EFL Teachers Applied of the Techniques in Autonomy Learning


Autonomous learner refers to learner independence; self-access learning, self-paced learning and distant learning emphasize a shift of attention to learner-oriented approach to language learning. In this approach, learners take the responsibility of their own learning, learn at their own pace and use their own strategies. “autonomy learning indicates a number of dimensions in which learners move away from dependence on the teacher and take responsibility for their learning and work in partnership with tutors and other students and learn to learn; develop key transferable skills (e.g., study, time-management, interpersonal skills etc; actively manage their learning; seeking out learning opportunities and using appropriate learning strategies ; involve themselves in an interactive process in which they set short and long term learning objectives, reflect on and evaluate progress." In addition, autonomy for the language learners has been described as a process that enables learners to recognize and assess their own needs, to choose and apply their own learning strategies or styles eventually leading to the effective management of learning”. The present study aims at assessing EFL teachers' at intermediate level employment of the techniques in automatic learning. It hypothesized that EFL teachers at intermediate level don't employ the techniques that are related to autonomy learning. To achieve the aim of the present study a checklist in its final form has been administered twice by observer and co observer. Results obtained by statistical treatment of data have shown that, EFL teachers do not employ techniques of automatic learning. In the light of results, some recommendations and suggestions have been stated for further studies.