Enamel surface damage after Use of self-etched Flowable composite and conventional orthodontic bonding systems "An in vitro study"


Background: This study aims to evaluate enamel surface damage and the site of bond failure afterusing of two materials with each has different adhesive techniques. One of them is self-etch (7thgeneration bonding system) while the other with three steps conventional technique(5th generationbonding system).Materials and methods: eighty premolars, extracted for orthodontic purposes, were divided into 4groups of 20. The enamel surfaces were examined with 10X magnifying lens. Two types ofbracket (stainless steel and ceramic) was bonded and debonded in each group using ligature wirecutter. The three steps adhesives was conventional orthodontic bracket adhesive of Oromcocompany, the self-etch flowable adhesive was Vertise flow flowable composite of Kerr company;After debonding, the enamel surfaces were inspected under a stereomicroscope to determine thepredominant site of bond failure and adhesive remnant index. Then stereomicroscope was used toevaluate enamel surface damage after the removal of residual adhesive.Results: The reduction in enamel surface damage showed a statistically non-significant with theuse of self-etched flowable adhesive in both ceramic and stainless steel brackets groups. Theamount of the adhesive remained on the tooth surface significantly increase for groups thatbonded with self-etched flowable adhesive in both stainless steel and ceramic brackets. Thepredominant failure site in self-etch flowable adhesive was between enamel and bracket for bothtypes of brackets.Conclusion: The enamel surface damage that results from debonding of conventional orthodonticadhesives was non significantly higher than that found with self-etch flowable adhesive for bothmetal and ceramic brackets "used in this study"