العنف الطائفي وعلاقته بدكتاتوريات العقيدة دراسة اجتماعية ميدانية على عينة من النازحون في مدينة الحلة أنموذجاً
In the light of the violence that has plagued Iraqi society for centuries of conflict with the means of expulsion that turned the Iraqi society into the remnants of a people. Since the beginning of Islamic history, specifically from the day of the shed to inaugurate the successor of the Messenger of Allah (PBM) began the signs of violence between Muslims and the ensuing many problems down to the Umayyad and Abbasid states and the subsequent occupations and invasions of Iraq until 2003 when the US occupation in Iraq moved the factors of constructive factors leading to structural tension, sectarian violence remained a social phenomenon and holistic compounded in the composition of various factors religious, political, social and economic, The sectarianism becomes a hindrance to any national integration process in a way that prevents the community from reaching the stage of conscience and unbridled national feeling . Sectarian violence takes more strides when the state weakens. The sectarian polarization among the elites, supported by regional interventions that open the window to sectarian wars, begins to expose the others who are subjugated to sectarianism and turn into bloody massacres, displacement and killing of identity