Alkhaddrmh Its concept and its importance when modernists


Knowing layers narrators important when modernists, especially in general and scientists all well prove to meet the narrators and hear from some of the lack of it, and the narrators albeit oversees what is characteristic of the holdings of the qualities of piety and strips of faith and the amount of the adjustment and the extent of giving but increases their honor proximity of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him , so we have seen scientists swear the same class layers, each one of which is characteristic of all others, have companions layer, God bless them the most prominent example is indicative of this, and the subject of our book far from this sense, Valmkhaddrmon not considered companions to not check the condition companionship importantly a check to meet them, the Prophet, peace be upon him and therefore an enemy of followers, but having a temporal advantage for them is the perception time of the Prophet, peace be upon him to make scientists A_khasounam independent layer called seasoned layer of followers hence the importance of the subject touched upon the study.