The reasons for asylum for Arab citizens and their treatments in the twittering of Arabic-language foreign news agencies via Twitter


The issue of Arab refugees is one of the most important issues that preoccupied the world public opinion, especially during the year 2015 and beyond. This issue has witnessed many developments and events, opinions and attitudes of some supporters and the opposition. This issue was sporadic dimensions and causes and motivations, floated by the media though different directions and policies. In this research we highlighted this issue by international news agencies via their Twitter, we find that the international news agencies had taken from social networking sites including Twitter fast trading platforms for media content, this research provided an analysis of Tweets of both Turkish Anatolia Agency and French France Press agency which have sites in Arabic language, to identify the motives that led to the exodus of refugees from their countries and highlighted the most prominent solutions and processes put forward by news agencies Anatolia and France Press. Accordingly, the research problem was summarized by a number of questions, the most important of which were:1.What is the most important motive provided by the news agencies in the research field for justification for Arab citizens' asylum?2.What treatments were focused on the news agencies' tweets to solve the issue of Arab refugees?3.What was the tweets’ communication’s recruitment of the Anatolian and AFP news agencies on the issue of Arab refugees?The main objectives of the research were as follows:1.Determining the motives presented by both news agencies in the field of the research and providing them with justifications for Arab citizens' asylum.2.Identification of the treatments, which were focused on the news agencies' tweets to solve the issue of Arab refugees.3. Identifying the recruitment of tweets’ communication used by the news agencies in the field research of the issue of Arab refugees. The research was based on the survey method in order to reach accurate results and conclusions, the most important of which are:1.The diversity of attention given by the Anatolian and Franc Press agencies to the Arab refugees’ issue, both in its general framework at the international level or at the Arab level. It is evident in the total number of tweets that addressed the issue of Arab refugees, Anatolian Agency came to the fore in its most attention due to Turkey's geographical position as an international gateway to refugees and as a host country at the same time.2.The study revealed that the news agencies' tweets focused on the motives that led to the refuge of Arab citizens to other countries, which was the most frequent among the tweets published by the two agencies, which gives an indication of the coherence of the issue with its political and security reasons in the Arab countries as well as the existence of social, economic and legal motives that have both agencies Anatolia and France Press have focused on, and gave it an area of circulation through Twitter.3.The Anatolia Agency has sought to increase the follow-up percentage and circulation of the tweets that it publishes via Twitter, by using more than one (Hashtag) in one tweet. Unlike France Press Agency, which focused on using the Hashtag in the name of the Agency, meaning that it is looking for privacy Media work in the circulation of content through tweets before the rapid of propagation and the abundance of follow-up. And this because of being an important source adopted by many other media organizations.