A Study on Pragmatic Functions of Hedging Devices in D. H. Lawrence’s “The Blind Man


Everyday language is used to communicate both in conversation and in writing. The communicators have to understand the interpersonal meaning and the representational meaning about the content or event within its structure at the same time. In fact, hedging devices are really useful in making us realize the interpersonal and attitudinal meaning in our communication. Hedging devices play a very important role in communicative success. Pragmatically, hedging devices in language have a function to express the addressers’ intentions in boosting or mitigating the illocutionary force of the speech acts. The present study intends to explore more about pragmatic hedging devices in the light of Willamová’s Model of Hedging Devices. This model includes seven types of hedging devices. They are used for the analysis and justification of using hedging devices in the most famous work of D. H. Lawrence which is “The Blind Man”. The present paper includes several sections concerning hedging devices and the model adopted which are regarded as a background to the analysis made in the practical part. As far as the practical part is concerned, the researcher presents many tables and figures which are relevant to the pragmatic analysis of Lawrence’s “The Blind Man” in terms of Willamová’s Model of Hedging Devices. Actually, hedging devices are very important in comprehending and interpreting the literary work. Moreover, they are influential in analyzing and interpreting Lawrence’s “The Blind Man” in many perspectives such as reflecting the personality of the writer and the character within the literary work in terms of their tendencies, goals, desires, inner thinking and philosophy.