Hydrogeological Characteristics of the Aquifer in Shwan Sub-Basin, Kirkuk Iraq
This study includes determining the hydrogeological setting of the aquifer in the study area including groundwater measurement direction and the hydraulic characteristics of the aquifer. The study showed the existence of a shallow aquifer (unconfined) in the Quaternary deposits with presence of confined aquifer in the Bai-Hasan Formation. The construction of flow net showed that the groundwater flow is from the northeast to southwest (middle parts) of the study area and then to northwest towards the Lesser Zab River. The information of six wells three of them with observation well shows that the values of the transmissivity (T), hydraulic conductivity (K), Storage Coefficient (S) and specific capacity (SC) were ranged from (12.048 to 158.559 m3/day/m), (0.0848 to 4.545 m/d), (2.1 × 10-4 - 4.67 × 10-3) and (21. 6 to 166.956 m3/d/m) respectively, where (T) and (K) calculated by using (Aquifer Win program) software that depend on the methods of Cooper-Jacob and Theis recovery for analysis these information. The saturated thickness values for each wells collected from bank information of General Commission for Groundwater Kirkuk branch is ranged between (33 – 142) m. The aim of the research is to calculate the hydraulic characteristics and the flow direction, as well as the renewable and constant storage and the distance between the drilling wells in the study area.