Study pre-game levels I have football players


Psychological and physical preparation are two basic episodes of a series of good player training sessions, and both episodes affect one another negatively or positively. The preparation of the player on a high psychological and physical level creates a state of psychological stability and emotional balance and dynamic and thus create strong will and readiness to compete in the high and overcome the potential difficulties faced by players, and the physical condition is affected by the psychological situation and vice versa in the balance under the normal circumstances of an adjusted personality.Research problem The weakness of psychological preparation generates fear and anxiety in the players and this is reflected on their performance skills and physical weakness of physical preparation will generate a sense of distrust of good performance and reflected negatively on the psychological stability and mutual influence between them and identify the problem to determine the reality of the relationship between some of the situation before the beginning and performance of players football.research goals:1. Identify pre-staging levels for football players2- Identify the results of the technical tests of the players of thefootbooll Sample Research: The research sample was represented in the players of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports SciencesConclusions and recommendationsRecommendations1. The research sample in the pre-starter measure obtained three levels (weak-average-good)2. Recommendations1 - It is necessary to focus on psychological matters during the training units that increase the motivation of the players and motivate them to win.2 - Attention to know the physiological variables in the players, which reflect the reaction to physical and skill changes in a positive way through the development that gets them in the training units and during the game