حساب الحجم المولي الإضافي وانحراف اللزوجة وطاقة جيبس الإضافية لمحلول ثنائي من البروبانول-1 مع خلات البيوتيل عند درجات الحرارة (40,50,60) 0C


In this research, solubility Process of binary liquid solution(1-Propanol and butyl acetate)were studied at temperature(40,50.60)0C.Densitiesρby pycnometer method and viscosityƞby OSTWALD tube that calibrated with distilled water was measured.Then excess molar volume was calculated of pure component and its mixtures that was prepared over the entire mole fraction range.It has been observed that excess molar volumes values was negative at all temperatures. After that, the deviation in viscosity ∆ƞand Excess Gibbs free energy∆GEwas determined and it has been observed that it is takea negative values at all temperatures. Excess molar volume, deviation in viscosity, excess Gibbs free energy were correlated with Redlich-Kister equationType polynomialand the showed an accepted standard deviation between the experimental and calculated values it has been shown the effect of Hydrogen bonds formation and the spherical shape for the molecules and its size on the excess thermodynamic properties.