دور الثقافة التسويقية في تحقيق الإبداع ألمنظمي دراسة استطلاعية لآراء عينه من الموظفين في مصرف الرافدين /فرع الجامعة / الموصل


This study aimed to determine the relationship and impact between the marketing culture, and organizational creativity in (Rafidain Bank Branch University / Mosul) The questionnaire was adopted as a tool for data collection note that the sample was random and included (30) individuals and adopted the hypothesis that marketing culture affects the creativity Organizational, and tested statistically through a set of tools (correlation, regression) It was found that the indicators of marketing culture are linked and affect the process of organizational creativity at the level of the system researched, the study concluded to a number of conclusions, most notably the existence of correlations and impact between those variables The study concluded several recommendations.