The philosophical autobiography and the most prominent features of the philosopher


Philosophical Biography and The most prominent features of the philosopherThe research dealt with the philosophical biography and divided it into three sections preceded by a preface and followed by a conclusion. The introduction of the concept of biography and its types and their relation to philosophy, clarifying the vocabulary of the title of the research.Then I dealt with the first subject history biography of literature and philosophy In which I adapted the features of this art using the historical method in monitoring its gradation from old to modern Pointing out the most important developments in terms of quantity and quality.The second section is presented by describing and analyzing the two models of the philosophical biography of the great philosophers. Abu Bakr al-Razi and Ibn Sina with the use of the comparative approach in the balance between them and the third section of the most important features of the general. The philosopher tried to deduce this through biography and then the conclusion included the most important results of research.