The Range of objectivity in Checking the Answer of College Students at College of Basic Education


This research aims at finding out The Range of Objectivity in Checking the Answers of Fourth Year College Students at the Department of Arabic Language at the College of Basic Education. the research is limited to the answer sheets of the first semester exams in material of Grammar (First Term) for the academic year 2017-2018 for the morning study. Four answering sheets were drawn randomly and copied . The answers of students were written on new papers to be free from any markings and previous grades , each answer sheet was copied into three copies, and three teachers were randomly selected from among the professors of the Department of Arabic language. Each was given four written sheets with questions to examine the answers and give the grades. To learn the coefficient of the agreement between the ones who correct The Coleber Equitation was used to show stability, it showed : that there is no agreement between the teachers who corrected the answers. This shows the no objectivity in correcting the student' s The researcher recommended the need to prepare the examination questions more objectively , and proposed similar researches for this research for other study materials and for the sixth grade Preparatory because it is important for the homeland and for students