Substrate Temperature Effect on The Spectrum Emission in Superconductor Heterostructure BiPbSrCaCuZnO
This paper shows the applied voltage effect on the superconductor substrate sample. Thesubstrate temperature (Ts) increases the activation energy of the substrate atoms. Thus, theinjecting of minority carriers (holes) increased in ZnO semiconductor. These carriers recombinewith electrons of 4S1 shell for Cu atom. The recombination occurs by two ways from band toband (direct recombination) or via traps (indirect recombination). The recombinationmechanisms produce photons emission in the ultraviolet and visible spectrum. The calibrationbetween voltage and temperature achieved using Variac device. The applied voltages were 60,65, 70, and 80 Volt, and the recorded substrate temperatures were 300, 320, 350, and 400 °C,respectively.
BiPbSrCaCuZno superconductor, substrate temperature, light emitting diode, photon emission.Metrics