إستعمال -المثلث التكويني-في عناصر العملية التربوية بين الأصولية والمعاصرة.


The aim of the research is to try to codify the elements of education through the (formative triangle), which forms the basic elements (teacher, pupil, knowledge). Since the educational process has gone through multiple stages and influenced by the data of time and place, it was necessary to research the origin of this process and the variables that have affected the education and completion of the process of composition of the individual and society, between fundamentalism and contemporary, and sought to urge the formulation of models and theories To achieve a variety of results that help both the teacher and the educational supervisor and others, to recognize the nature of their work, and the educational process of learning does not take place in the space without being completed and integrated elements correspond to and enhance the impact and composition, Which are represented in the (family, school and society), And the researcher has