MALL Technology in Teaching English Language to College Students


ABSTRACTThis study is conducted to investigate the effect of mobile assisted languagelearning (MALL) applications as a supplementary learning material for teachingEnglish language to college students. Technological developments with the adoptionof mobile multimedia devices and applications have translated into hugeopportunities for English as a foreign language (EFL).( Kukulska ,2006:295) says the world is changing at high speed, people aremoving from an industrial economy to one that is media-driven and based oninformation.The role of English is quite important in Iraq as a developing country.Emergence of new technologies, especially the internet, has resulted in a major transition in terms of business, education, science, and technological progress(Chinnery, 2006: 16).MALL is an educational technology for mobile teaching English language. It isdesigned to seamlessly bring together functionalities of mobile devices, the LearningManagement System (LMS) and the need of close connection between teachersand students.Using MALL as a pedagogical technique will help the students get a comprehensiveunderstanding of the content of materials in second language learning and providesnovel opportunities for teaching language.It is hypothesized that Mobile assisted language learning (MALL) is more effectivein teaching English language