A convenient green method to synthesize β-carotene from edible carrot and nanoparticle formation


A simple green chemistry approach was used to synthesize b-carotene from edible carrot without using solvent andheat. In this study, beta-carotene was extracted from edible carrots through a natural extraction method with severalphysical technical steps. The extracted sample was isolated using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). A bcarotene peak was detected from HPLC with an absorbance maximum (2.135 mAU). The absorption of UVeVisiblespectrum indicated that beta-carotene absorbs most strongly between 230-300 and 400e500 nm. The functionalgroups, namely, C]C (1649 cm¡1), ¼CeH (900-900 cm¡1) vibrations of antisymmetric deformation of CH3 groups andCH2 groups (1350-1450 cm¡1) of beta carotene were identified by using the FTIR test. The 537, 538, and 539 peaks for allcarbon atoms (C-12), one of the 40 carbon atoms is (C-13) and two carbon atoms as (C-13) were indicated using FTMS.The resonance relates to the protons connected to methyl and methylene groups and those attributed to the vinylicprotons (HeC]C) were observed between 1-2 and 5e6 ppm, respectively. The AFM images demonstrate that thestructure of the beta-carotene is spherical, and the average diameter of this molecule is 37.22 nm. The findings of theanalysis show that the extraction and isolation of b-carotene from the carrot extract was achieved.