Detection of Data Over Wireless Mobile Channels Based on Maximum Likelihood Technique
Next generation wireless systems are characterized by very high transmission bit rates which gives rise to severeIntersymbol interference (ISI) and this makes the detection process very challenging. Hence, assessment of performanceof near-optimal detectors like Near Maximum Likelihood Detectors (NMLD) over such channels assumes greatimportance. This paper deals with the detection of data in the presence of Noise and ISI with NMLD. Performanceimprovement of NMLD, as compared to nonlinear equalization, has been assessed in terms of BER versus SNR curvesobtained through computer simulation. A number of different cases of mobile radio channels have been simulated inthis work. In current world the lot of congestion leads severe fading and interference in the channel which may give thepause in data streaming and call drop in voice calling. These channels have different number of reflected paths withdifferent power distribution in the respective paths. The aim of this paper is to take a ‘worst case’ model of a mobileradio channel in terms of rapidity of fading and ISI, and then to investigate the performance of detectors in the receivers.