تحليل أثر الذكاء الاقتصادي في تعزيز الخدمات المصرفية للمصارف الخاصة في محافظة أربيل(دراسة تطبيقية للعام 2023)


The study aims to measure the impact of economic intelligence on the banking services of private banks in Erbil Governorate. The study reached a number of conclusions, including: The hypothesis of the study proved that there is an impact of economic intelligence in enhancing banking services by (76%) for private banks in Erbil Governorate. Based on the conclusions, we recommend the following: 1-Working to improve the activity of private banks in Erbil Governorate, by paying attention to economic intelligence in order to predict the future of private banks, as well as to face the competition of other banks in the Kurdistan Region-Iraq. 2-Work to establish departments related to economic intelligence within private banks in the Kurdistan Region - Iraq.