Gulbuddin Hekmatyar and its political role in Afghanistan 1973-2001


The name of the Afghan political and military jihadist, Gulbulddin Hekmatyar, is always mentioned as one of the main actors in the Afghan scene. Hekmatyar was among the jihadists who were influenced by Sayyid Qutb Al-Masry, who was the reason for the direction of jihad against the communist ideas that entered Afghanistan since the era of Muhammad Khan in 1963, the year that Afghanistan began to turn towards the Soviet Union to support it politically and economically, and since communist ideas were contrary to Islam and its cosmopolitanism, religious and political jihad movements began to appear in Afghanistan with the support of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, since most of the Afghan jihadi leaders studied in Egypt, including Hekmatyar, who had a political role A jihadist in Afghanistan for the period 1973-2001.The Importance of the research is due to the study of jihadist movements and their role in international politics, including Hekmatyar's movements and his political role in liberating the country from communist control and attempting to confront the American occupation later on. And the collapse of Afghanistan until the present time.The research was divided into several axes, the most important of which is the introduction, his birth and upbringing that influenced his ideas, and a special axis of his three jihadi stages until 2001.