The Effect of Some Dietary Supplements Accompanied by Exercises According to the Biological Rhythm in its Physical Cycle for the Negative Phase on Some Biochemical Variables and Body Mass Index (BMI) of Female Trainees in Gyms.


Many individuals strive to achieve their health and fitness goals by regularly exercising. With dietary supplements being one of the modern technological advancements, the importance and role of dietary supplements in athletic achievement and attaining advanced levels of physical performance are growing every day. The research problem emerged as the two researchers worked in fitness centers, leading them to question whether dietary supplements play a role in enhancing the functional efficiency of the body's organs when used in conjunction with exercises based on the negative circadian rhythm. The research aimed to investigate the impact of dietary supplements and their role in enhancing the functional efficiency of the body's organs when used in conjunction with exercises based on the negative circadian rhythm. The study involved a sample of seven female athletes, and the researchers utilized statistical methods through a statistical toolkit. The findings indicated that the adoption of dietary supplements alongside exercises following the negative circadian rhythm contributed to the improvement of certain biochemical variables and body mass index (BMI) for female trainees in fitness centers, and this achieves one of the sustainable development goals of the United Nations in Iraq which is (Good Health). The researchers recommended the adoption of dietary supplements in conjunction with exercise programs aligned with the negative circadian rhythm for female trainees in fitness centers.