The Effect of a Program Based on Educational Games with Extra-Curricular Activities in Developing Some Life Skills for Children with Autism Disorder


Building a training program based on educational games with extra-curricular activities in developing life skills for children with autism disorder.To identify the effect of the training program on developing life skills for children with autism disorder.The researcher relied on the experimental method in order to suit the variables of the current research, and to choose a single-group design with a pre- and post-test, the research community consisted of all children with autism disorder in government and private centers whose ages ranged between (5-7) years in the Erbil governorate center for the academic year ( 2020-2021), the number of The sample was (10) children, with (7) males and (3) females, as it was confirmed that the group members were homogeneous in all variables of homogeneity of height and weight, the economic, social, educational and cultural level of parents, adaptive behavior. The researcher prepared a life skills scale to identify the development of life skills for people with autism spectrom disorder. The researcher reviewed previous studies that dealt with life skills, studying (Bayoumi, 2008), (Hassan, 2014) and (Al-Bawab, 2018), (Abdul-Jalil, 2018). The researcher prepared the scale and formulated its Items. The researcher formulated Items in their initial form and consisted of (40) Items representing life skills The experiment was implemented by applying the (training program) consisting of (21) training sessions for a period of two months and specific with general and specific objectives, three sessions per week for a period of two months (8) weeks, in addition to (3) other sessions used to apply the tribal adaptive behavior scale, as well as to complete the homogenization procedures within the group and the application of the pre- and post-test. After collecting the data, it was analyzed and processed statistically. The results showed the following: 1- There are statistically significant differences between the pre and post measurements of total life skills in of the dimensional measurement and application, thus rejecting the null hypothesis and accepting the alternative hypothesis, which indicates the effectiveness of the program.2- There are statistically significant differences between the tribal and remote measurements life skills of the dimensional measurement and application, thus rejecting the null hypothesis and accepting the alternative, and this indicates the effectiveness of the program. The researcher concluded that the use of the training program based on educational games in extra-curricular activities affected the development of life skills for children with autism disorder.And that the size of the effect of the training program on the sample was very large in the development of total life skills. In light of the results, the researcher recommended a number of recommendations, and made some suggestions that she believes will complement her current research in the future.