Maxillary Sinus Ultrasound Versus Plain Radiography and Diagnostic Antral Washout in the Diagnosis of Maxillary Sinus Diseases.


ABSTRACT:BACKGROUND:Maxillary sinus ultrasound has been found useful in diagnosis of maxillary sinus diseases.OBJECTIVE:Is to compare the usefulness of diagnostic ultrasound, radiography of the maxillary sinuses with the results of he diagnostic wash out in detection of the maxillary sinus diseases.PATIENTS AND METHODS:Fifty-five patients (109 maxillary sinuses) with suspected sinus diseases on clinical evaluation examined by ultrasonography, plain radiography and followed by diagnostic antral washout. RESULTS:The positive returns were 48.6% (53/109). The sensitivity of the ultrasonography and plain radiography were (92.5%), (90.5%) respectively. The specificity of the ultrasonography and the plain radiography were (55%, 41%) respectively. The accuracy of the ultrasonography was (73.4) while of the radiography was (65%).CONCLUSION:Sinus ultrasonography is harmless (no radiation), less expensive and can be used safely in childhood and pregnancy, and gives comparable results with plain radiography and antral washout in diagnosis of sinus diseases.