Effect of Bioaccumlation of Lead in Some Biochemical Parameters in Human within Mosul City


The present study included the determination of the concentration of lead in some of their impact on some of biochemcal parameter of (288) normal non smokers males and females. Living in 7 residential areas, working in 3 service areas, and 7 industrial areas located on both sides of Tigris river in Mosul city. (70) blood samples were taken from males and females living in suburban areas (Talkaif and Wana) were used as a control. The sample were differentiated according to age groups (less and equal 20 year , 21-35 year , 36-50 year and < 50 year). The results indicated that accumulation of lead was higher in males blood than females living in the same residential areas and at all age groups, a significant increase in the concentration of lead in all residential areas with increasing age and the results showed that subjects of in the third residential areas including (Hay Al-Taeran, Hay AI-Dandan and AI-Dawasa) a significant increase in the concentration of lead in males blood at a mean level (38.4  0.91) g / 100 ml, while it was (32.2  0.22) g/100 ml in females at age group (< 50) year compared with control. The results showed that third services area (Babsinjar, Almustashf Q and K. Al-khayat Q) showed higher lead concentration (63.1  0.68) g / 100 ml in blood at age group (< 50) year, then first services area (Bab Al-tob, Ninaveh street and K.lbnalwalid street) and last the second services (Al-Kurnish street, Al-Maydan and Gazi street) at the same age group. And showed an the third industrial area (Kaser Al-Mtran) was characterized increase lead in blood of worker in the same area at mean (67.2  0.19) g/100 ml for (< 50) year group compared with control. And the results also showed increase lead concentration in industrial areas with increasing age. And the result showed that workers in services area had the highest level and accumulation of lead some and then followed by worker in industrial areas then living in residential areas. The present study indicated the effect of lead on some of biochemical parameter in blood serum ,The results also showed a singnificant decrease in total protein concentration and a singnificant increase in the urea and cholesterol concentration in blood serum of workers in industrial areas and then followed by workers in services area then in residential areas.The results showed an increase in enzymes activity of Alanine aminotransferase“ALT” and Aspartate aminotransferase “AST” as well as : residential areas < industrial areas < services areas. The highest precent increase in enzymes activity was showed in services areas at age group (< 50) year at a percentage of (30%) and (22%) respectively compared with the control at the same age group depending on the nature of work and exposure time and the distance from service and industrial areas.