Effect of Aqueous Extract of Some Medicinal Plants on Plasma Lipid Profile in Diabetes Induced Rabbits


Alloxan (180mg/kg) i.v is a potent diabetogenic agent that induces diabetes mellitus in rabbits with hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia . Fifty-four healthy male rabbits were involved in this study. Both plasma cholesterol and triglyceride levels were measured before and after giving alloxan and following administration of insulin, glibenclamide or aqueous extract of medicinal plants. Insulin (2 IU/kg) S.C produced a significant reduction in both plasma cholesterol (b=-1.05 p<0.005] and triglyceride levels (b=-1.19 P<0.01) whereas glibenclamide (70mg/kg) per Os produced no significant changes in these values. In the mean time the aqueous extract of Nigella sativa (0.5g /kg] produced a significant decrease in both cholesterol and triglyceride levels with (b=-0.65 P<0.05) and (b=-1.28 P<0.05) whereas Capparis spinos caused a significant decrease in plasma cholesterol levels only with (b=-0.83 P<0.01). Finally the extract of Coriandrum sativum ,Oleoe uropea and Cinnamomum verum produced a significant reduction in triglyceride levels with (b=-1.12 P<0.05),(b=-0.97 P<0.05) and (b=-1.01 P<0.01) respectively but with no significant change in cholesterol levels. There is no significant correlation between the hypoglycemic effects of medicinal plants and their hypocholesterlemic & hypotriglyceridemic effect. Also the possibility of using Nigella sativa and Cinnamomum verum for diabetic patients with type- ll but this needs more clinical trials. Keyword cholesterol, triglyceride, medicinal plants