Seasonal Variations of some Biochemical Aspects for five cultivars of date palm (3-hydrocarbon)


The present study showed the seasonal variations in the distribution of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), n-alkanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in five dates cultivars (Ghannmi Akhdar, Ghannmi Ahmar, Khikri, Dekel (g) and Dekel (s)) of date palm male at Abu-Al-Kaseab, Basrah during the period 2008 – 2009. Statistical analysis revealed that leaves of Dekel (s) have high content of TPHs during autumn, while grain pollen have higher content of TPHs in Ghannmi Akhdar during 2008 which is similar in a large extent with 2009. Higher values of n-alkanes and carbon performance index (CPI) were recorded in Dekel (s) leaves during winter. Also, some aromatic compounds have been found in leaves and grain pollen of some cultivars, which their values were differed significantly during some seasons and non-significant throughout study period.