Situation in the Khor Abdullah Alheidromorvi northwest Persian Gulf, and the expected effects of modern ports to be built


This study aims to estimate the extent of stabilizing the coast of the Khor Abdullah through the analysis of changes Almorvolgih you get it, and the impact of construction engineering (in particular, the Kuwaiti port of Al-Mubarak) in the Stability of the coast line of the Khor Abdullah and put Alheidromorvi. Where changes were calculated for the most important aspects in the Khor Abdullah Almorvolgih for a period of forty years between 1964 and 2004, and locate erosion and sedimentation and appreciation, and the relationship of all the maritime boundary between the two countries involved passage of water.Where it appeared that the coastline has been subjected to deposition rate of almost 450 meters over the past 40 years (11 m / year). At the same time, other places of note of erosion or decline the Kuwaiti coast line up to (260-300) meters, an average of 280 meters (7 meters / year). The Iraqi side, we note that most of the coastal areas of Iraq are suffering from a baseline of erosion or decline up to (200-480) meters during the past 40 years (8.5 m / year). These regions are sites that have been the basic design of the Iraqi ports of FAO and the Kuwaiti Al-Mubarak. Through the comparative amount of space areas Aldhoudahih or shallow shoals areas during the period of forty years shows that the spaces are being eroded and the up part of them to half size before the said period, and this makes these important areas in decline and decay over time, as estimated up to 17 km 2 of eroded lands lost within 40 years, while sedimentation have added 3 km 2 only. As for the accelerated currents, there is a marked change between the velocities in the normal position and velocities in the case of a Kuwaiti port of Al-Mubarak.