Benefit / cost analysis using In solving environmental problems


Describes the Global Environment Outlook that if current trends continue, the high population growth rates in the world, which exceeded economic growth rates, especially for periods before the global financial crisis (1) In light of recent developments in the global financial crisis and the deterioration rates of growth of global production rate (2.5%) towards the possibility of the transition to the stage of economic recession and the associated status of the deficit of the budgets of the public and the majority of the world (2) on the one hand, and the possibility of deepening the crisis in the case of the failure of recipes (Go to Tools Analysis Keynesian) and procedures (the nationalization of socialism) and systems (integration and participation in management and failing financial institutions) and methods (of support and encouragement, protection and debt buy loss-making) in order to enhance the credit (raising the efficiency of financial performance) of the banking system and thus to pursue capitalist countries, the World and especially the Group of Twenty (G20) to a set of macroeconomic policies and a private (monetary, financial and savings and commercial ...) harmonious together to preserve the Holy Trinity (3):1 - economic stability and private (monetary and financial).2 - high rates of economic growth (total and sector).3 - to reduce unemployment and provide jobs for the unemployed.On the other hand, under the consumption patterns is rational and free of Alrashadh economic exceeded the last level or the upper limit of consumption Kamali (Department of permissible economic) and to engage in the process of waste and extravagance of the Economic and which will be reflected later negative pressure on the resources of the natural environment balanced (4) and thus may lost environmental gains and improvements phenomenon is a result of increased speed of pollution renewable resource base of land, but can slow down the pace of environmental degradation by pursuing economic policies College harmonious (Harmonic) with the development of scientific research activities and development in the field of preservation of the environment as a global problem requires the establishment of institutions of global and regional environmental The development and harmonization of laws and regulation policies of control and adjustment to maintain the environmental resources viable depletion and under the auspices of the United Nations and private programs of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDD) and environmental (UNEP) under the accreditation at three levels in the slow degradation of the environment, namely:1 - the adoption of less polluting energy sources, environmental.2 - Development of technologies and arts production.3 - the best use of economic resources and that this paper be adopted.

