Health Impact Assessment of Noise Pollution in Baghdad city


The health impact assessment of noise pollution from electricalgenerators, vehicles, military aircrafts, ambulance, industries and houseequipments are undertaken in this study. The quantitative noise levelmeasurements are carried out in the residential, commercial andindustrial regions of Baghdad City by using portable sound level meter(Auto range, RS-232). The measuring instrument reports a noisepollution level ranges from 9l to 1407o of the acceptable soundpressure level that is likely to be without appreciable risk (70 dB(A)) inthe indoor air spaces and near domestic electrical generators,respectively. The likelihood or probability of adverse health effects tothe exposed individuals of Baghdad population related to publicexposure to elevated noise pollution levels is quantified in this study byusing the hazard index (HI) concept. The results of quantitative noiselevel measurements and risk characteization carried out in this studyindicates that individuals in Baghdad population are exposed to soundpressure at levels that are likely to be cause appreciable health riskincluding increased incidence of hearing impairment, hypertension,ischemic heafi disease, annoyance, sleep disturbance, changes in theimmune system and birth defects above natural background rates. The qualitat市e classiication of ambient en宙ronment of Baghdad Cityaccording to the mean observed noise levels indicates that''action"isrecominended for noise pollution sources since the mean obseⅣ ednoise level(84.94 dB(A))for all the included noise sources is found tobe exceed the acceptable level(70 dB(A))。


health imPact, noise