Synthesis of some thiazolidinones and N-acetyl amino derivatives from 4-amino sulphamethaoxazole


4-amino sulphamethaoxazole was reacted with chloro acetyl chloride to convert the amino group to 4-chloro acetyl amino sulphamethaoxazole (compound 1).The amide was then allowed to react with potassium thiocyanate to prepare 4-(2-imino-4-oxo-thiazolidinyl) compound(2) which contained thiazolidinone ring. Some aromatic amines were reacted with 4-chloro acetyl amino sulphamethaoxazole compound (1) to prepare 4-substituted anilino acetyl amino sulphamethaoxazole compounds (1A-H). 4-(2-imino-4-oxo-thiazolidinyl) Compound (2) was reacted with different aromatic aldehydes to prepare 4-(5-arylidene-2-imino-4-oxo-thiazolidinyl sulphamethaoxazole) compounds (2A-H). The prepared compounds were identified and for the prepared compounds such as (1D,1H,2,2B,2E) 1H-n.m.r. spectra was used.