Assessment of the relationship between maxillary sinus floor and maxillary posterior teeth root apices using spiral CT scan
Background: The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the roots of the maxillary posteriorteeth and the maxillary sinus using spiral computed tomography, and measured the distances between the roots ofthe maxillary posterior teeth and the sinus floor.Materials and Methods: The sample of the present study was a total of 120 Iraqi subject (60 males & 60 females)aged (20-60) years old, who admitted to spiral Computed Tomography scan unit in AL-Zahraa hospital in AL-Kut cityto have Computed Tomography scan of the brain and paranasal sinuses who had complaints of headaches or withsuspicion of sinusitis but without pathological findings in maxillary sinuses. From November 2012 to April 2013, CTsagittal reconstructed images were used in this study, Images were classified according to the relation between theroot apices and the maxillary sinus floor into type1: Root apices below the sinus floor, type 2: Root apices in cosinesfloor. Vertical distance were measured between the deepest point of the maxillary sinus floor and the root apices ofthe maxillary first and second premolars and first, second molar contact with the sinus floor) and type 3: Root apicespenetrate or inside the r using built-in measurement tools. Means, standard deviations and minimum and maximumvalues were calculated for all right and left premolars and molars. t-tests were used to compare measurementsbetween left and right sides and between female and male patients.Results: The distance between sinus floor and root apex was longest for the first premolar palatal root apex andshortest for the second molar mesoibuccal root apex for both right and left sides. No statistically significantdifferences were found between the right and left side measurements or between females and males patients.Conclusion: There was no significant difference in vertical relation of maxillary posterior teeth to floor of maxillary sinusbetween male and female and between right and left side.The mesiobuccal root of the maxillary 2nd molar was closest to the maxillary sinus floor and palatal root of 1st premolarwas farthest to the sinus floor