The expense of energy expended (calories) during the studied physical education for primary schools.


There are advanced countries devoted its research and worked all their ability toraise the level of physical activity for students during the studied physical education in waysthat advanced scientific and proper planning as it can through which energy investment instudents, and the lies the importance of searching through studied physical education canincrease physical activity among students in a scientific thoughtful and not random irregular,and the objective of this research to know the energy expended and the number of metersharvested for research sample during the studied Physical Education, and the researchersused the descriptive style relay, was chosen as the research sample way intentional studentsfrom the fifth primary, totaling 58 students, and have concluded the researchers to measurethe energy expended and the number of meters Mileage helped to know what make him losea student of calories during the lesson and Kilometers which, in addition to the lack ofinterest in studying physical education dramatically by educators lead to not to raise the levelof physical activity, and was the most important recommendations concern the exercise ofphysical activity in primary schools according to the basis of sound scientific , relying onphysical education lesson dramatically in order to raise the level of physical activity forstudents.