journal of kufa studies center

Published by University of Kufa

ISSN: 1993-7016 (Print)
ISSN: 2708-728X (Electronic)

Language: Arabic and English


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Scientific journal quarterly court issued by the kufa studies center of Kufa University, and interested in scientific research and humanity together, because the kufa studies center specialist science humanitarian, scientific, and seeks to ease the problems faced by society as divided into the magazine to the five-door key which Quranic studies and linguistic studies and legal studies and studies of historical, geographical and Education continuous and includes applied studies and field Date of the first number was issued in 2004 The number of numbers that are published in year 4 numbers Number of issues which were issued during the period from 2004 - 2024 is 73 the number of.

Link to the Journal of the Kufa Studies Center on the Kufa University Journals website at the following link:

Scope of the Journal

Human research,  Human Sciences, Koranic studies, Linguistic studies, Legal studies, Historical and geographical studies, Continuing education of applied studies and field

Open Access
kufa studies center journal is committed to open access and all content is freely available to all immediately after publication.

Authors retain the copyright of their papers without restrictions.

Creative Commons-Attribution (by)

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