Iraqi Journal of Applied Physics Letters

Published by iraqi society for alternative and renewable energy sources and techniques

ISSN: 1999-656X (Print)
ISSN: 2958-6488 (Electronic)

Language: English

Subjects: Science (General); Physics; Technology and engineering (General)


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Iraqi Journal of Applied Physics Letters (IJAPLett) is a scientific periodical sponsored and published by the Iraqi Society for Energy and the American Quality for Scientific Publishing. The Editorial Board is responsible for the scientific content and other editorial matters relating to the Journal. Manuscripts submitted are first screened by the editors; those on subject matters within the scope of the IJAPLett are sent to an expert referee for evaluation and may be sent to a second reviewer if necessary. This screening process helps to assure an appropriate focus as well as high scientific quality of the Journal.

Scope of the Journal

The IJAPLett welcomes the submission of papers and letters in applied physics and related fields of science, engineering, and technology. They should have something in common with what we now publish on inanimate materials and processes therein: structures, transport, physical, electrical, dielectric, magnetic, and optical properties. Our basic criterion stated below will continue to apply: papers must contain science, especially physics, and there must be an application. We advise authors submitting papers to suggest the names of at least two possible reviewers, with full information on addresses, phone, and e-mail. Suggestions from reviewers are welcome regardless of the subject.

Open Access
Iraqi Journal of Applied Physics Letters is committed to open access and all content is freely available to all immediately after publication.

Authors retain the copyright of their papers without restrictions.

Creative Commons-Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives (by-nc-nd)