Published by the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein

ISSN: 2312-7449 (Print)
ISSN: 2957-3858 (Electronic)

Language: Arabic

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Publishing policy in the journal of alssebt Alssebt is an accurate quarterly journal, published by Karbala Center for Studies and Researches at the holy shrine of Imam Hussein (P.). Which awarded by UNESCO (UNESCO's Memory of the World Programme), The center is publishing Alssebt since (June 2015), which has received researches and studies in different Humanitarian specialties (Arabic and its Literature, History, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Tourism, Psychology and the rest of Social Sciences), which seek in the cultural and civilian heritage of the holy city of Karbala. To be a scientific reference to memorize the city heritage and its religious identity. The journal inviting all of the researchers in different Humanitarian specialties to write and check in the heritage of this inveterate city and its civilization, with a very valuable researches within an objective framework away from prejudice and tendencies to achieve the general benefit of our society.