Iraqi Journal of Cancer and Medical Genetics

Published by Mustansiriyah University

ISSN: 2078-6123 (Print)
ISSN: 2313-5379 (Electronic)

Language: English

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Editorial Board


Ahmed Majeed Hamza Al-Shammari

Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Professor
Iraqi Center for Cancer and Medical Genetics Research / Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, IRAQ


Firas Subhi Salah

Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Lecturer
Cancer Research Department, Iraqi Center for Cancer and Medical Genetics Research / Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, IRAQ

Iver Petersen

Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Professor
Institute of Pathology, SRH Poilklinik Gera GmbH, SRH Wald-Klinikum Gera, 07548 Gera, Germany

Zaid Kadhim Mahdi

Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Professor
Gastrointestinal Pathology Fellow, Harvard Medical School, USA 

Mohammed Bakir Altai

Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Professor
Consultant Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Jersey City Medical Center, USA

Amer Talib Tawfeeq

Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Assistant Professor
Iraqi Center for Cancer and Medical Genetics Research / Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, IRAQ

Noah Abdulqader Mahmood

Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Assistant Professor
Iraqi Center for Cancer and Medical Genetics Research / Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, IRAQ

Ali H. Ad’hiah

Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Professor
Tropical-Biological Research Unit, College of Science, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq

AbdulMajeed Alwan Hammadi

Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Professor
Head of Medicine Department, Alyermouk Teaching Hospital, Baghdad / Iraq

Layth Yahya Ibrahim Mula-Hussain

Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Professor
Together for Cancer Control ltd, Edmonton, Alberta – Canada 

Omar Fakhri Qutachi

Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Professor
Health and Life Sciences School/department: Leicester School of Pharmacy, UK

Mazin Majeed Hameed

Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Professor
Lake Erie College Of Medicine, USA

Abdallah Ibrahim

Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Professor
Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, University College of Duba, University of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia

Raheem Al Aameri

Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Assistant Professor
Pharmacology Department, SIU School of Medicine, 801 N Rutledge St, Springfield, IL. 62702, USA

Mandeep Marwah

Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Lecturer
Pharmaceutics, Aston Medical School, Aston Research Center for Health in Ageing, UK

Shelley Tischkau

Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Professor
Department of Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Cell Biology (MMICB), Address: 801 North Rutledge St. Springfield, IL 62794-9629. USA