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Implications of economic and social justice in the reign of Imam Ali (peace be upon him)To the Malk al-Ashtar
Arab Scientific Heritage Journal, 2014, Volume 2, Issue 2, Pages 53-78
Imam Ali's Will to his Sun Imam al-Hassan a Morphological –syntactic study
Ahl Al-Bait Jurnal, 2014, Volume 1, Issue 16, Pages 191-220
The minaret of Al Kifil Mosque from Prophet Thul Kifl to Imam Ali(as)
Journal of Misan Researches, 2014, Volume 10, Issue 19-1, Pages 116-178
The Will of Imam Ali(pbuh) to his Son Imam Al-Hassan(pbuh) in Nahj Al-Balagha: A Pragmatic Study
Journal of Basra researches for Human Sciences, 2014, Volume 39, Issue 1, Pages 13-36
The Impact of Teaching Literature and Literary Texts in the Light of the Skills Mentioned in a Speech of Imam Ali (pbuh) about Acquisition and Criticizing Thinking
Basic Education College Magazine For Educational and Humanities Sciences, 2014, Volume , Issue 15, Pages 229-246
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