بناء مقياس التصورات المستقبلية للمرشد التربوي


(Abstract)The present research aims at:1.Building a scale to measure future perceptions of educational counselors.2.Measuring future perceptions of educational counselors about their career.3.Knowing the significance of differences according to the variables of Gender (male-female) and Study Specification (Psychological Counseling- Psychology).The research is confined to educational counselors (males –females) working in the schools of the general directorates of education in Basrah. The scale has been applied on (150) male and female educational counselors. The data has been analyzed by the statistics software SPSS ((Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). The results have shown the following:1.Educational counselors have optimistic future perceptions about their career.There are no statistically significant differences according to the variables of Gender and Study Specification