Postmodernist Elements in Ali Bader’s Masabih Ourshalim (Jerusalem Lantern)


There are many differences between postmodernist novels and classic and modern novels and attention to elements of these kind of novels help a readers to understand them and find the cultural and social atmosphere that the novels has found in. The main particular of postmodern novel is protesting against traditional literature and realistic novels. This paper tries to study elements of postmodernism in Masabih Ourshalim the novel by Iraqi novelist Ali Bader. Ali Baderis an Iraqi novelist, poet, critic, regarded as the most significant writer to emerge in Arabic world, in the last decade. He has written fourteen works of fiction, and several works of non-fiction. His works are making an important contribution to contemporary Arabic literature. In 2006, Bader published his novel Masabih Ourshalim (Jerusalem Lantern, a fictional portrayal of Edward Said).This novel include 3 main parts: the first part is about the influence of Edward Said on Iraqi’s scolarships. The writer describe the diffrences between Edwarad Said and Iraqi academic Kaanan Makkyyeh. Said was agaist the American attack on Iraq but Makkyyeh was the supporter. Second part is about Iman Maqdasi trip to Jeursalem. This part isvery important because the writer denied the Israeil’s myth about Beit ol Moghaddas. This city is Islamic city not Jewish. In third part of novel, we saw many documents about Moslems, Christians and Jewish. In this research, with using analytical and descriptivemethod, we firstly- study the post modernism as a theory and the history of Arabic postmodern novel, secondly we analysis the postmodernist elements like: intertextuality, permutation, polyphony, indeterminacy, monologue, temporal and local disorderly, open ending, surprising and absence of rule in narrating of events. These specifications embolden readers and their imaginations to find aesthetic elements in the text. It is not revolution in structure but it is a point of view and position. The conclusions show that this novel is formed of some pieces that have no logical concatenation temporal, local and narrative structure.