Fitness performance level relationship skill clapotement for handball players 13-14 years Reconstruction


The study has introduced the importance of the sport of handball and its technical performance that relies on physical and motor characteristics; especially agility. Hence the importance of the research in studying the relationship between agility and performance level of dribbling for handball players. Observing the training of handball players at these ages, the researcher has found that most of the skills of handball have a compound ( physical –motor) nature, which mainly requires the characteristic of agility among the players and this is the problem of the study. The aims of the study therefore seek to identify the relationship between agility and performance level of dribbling among handball players. The methodology of the study and the field procedures on the other hand has tackled the descriptive approach and the subjects have been deliberately chosen including (14) handball players from the Specialty Center for the Gifted at (13-14 years old).The test of agility and the test of dribbling skill have been conducted and the results statistically processed by finding out the simple correlation coefficient (Pearson) between the results of the two tests. The results then have been scientifically displayed and discussed leading the researcher to the following conclusions: 1.There is a significant between agility and performance level of dribbling among handball players aged ( 13-14 years old.)