الانعكاسات المتوقعة للمتغيرات الاقتصادية المعاصرة على القطاعات الاقتصادية العربية


The study shows the chages occurred in the economic in ternational relationships after the collapse of the communism and the appearance of the currents of the globalization and the accompanying call for the econonmic liberation through establishing the world trade organization as this organization took in charge the a dministration of the internantional economy,besides the in ternatuctional fund and the in ternational bank for the Construction and the developments, as these two organization’s have been tasked with the administration of the financial and monetary satiations of the global economy.The recarch dealt with the future prospect of the prospects of the Arabic economy through actual situation of these economies and the ways to develop the common Arabic work in all the economic sections and to establish Arabic agglomerations in one unifie Arabic economy.