الصورة الذهنية للجامعة التقنية الوسطى لدى تدريسيي الجامعة


Since public relations are primarily concerned with the study of relations and contacts within and outside the institution, it is necessary that their interests include the study of groups, social organizations, administrative activities, public attitudes and political and economic systems, in order to secure opportunities to gain public support and influence the public opinion. Facts and objective views. The concept of quality plays an important role in the service institutions, including the university education institutions such as the Central Technical University, as this concept is a means to meet the needs and expectations of the internal public (students - faculty members - the administrative body) And the external public (such as relevant government institutions and stakeholders), whether internal or external, current or anticipated. Here comes the importance of public relations in building the mental image of the institution.The importance of universities in society is great because of its role in providing other institutions with cadres that contribute to the building of society and the state. And these universities need to work in order to show that importance to the public and in particular the internal audience represented by the employees of the institution of teachers, administrators and technicians in order to increase the sense of belonging to the University and work to make it successful and improve its image. This research talked about the mental image of the Central Technical University in the minds of teaching. On the methodological framework that dealt with the problem of research and the purpose of research and the importance of research and the research community and his research, either theoretical framework that began with the concept of mental image and image functions and sources of composition and the most important elements that affect the formation of mental image personal factors And the factors of the media and social factors, as well as talk about the Central Technical University. The field framework was the analysis of a form distributed to a group of teachers the same research and after analyzing the researcher came out with several results, including the role of the media university was negative in their opinion and that the senior management in the university plays its role well And that it supports the new teachers and other results that the university is keen to use modern methods of education in line with technology and at the end of the research we made a set of recommendations that could contribute to the development of media and public relations and strengthen the mental image.