Assay of Benzoic Acid in Some Types of Juices in Iraqi Markets and Determine its Impact on Growth Rate, Biochemical Parameters in Rats


The study was conducted to estimate the concentration of benzoic acid in samples of some juices in Iraqi markets and determine the impact of concentrations at rates of 250 and 500 mg/kg/day in some growth and biochemical and enzymatic parameters after they are added with the drinking water for 21 days, as well as their impact on microbial balance in the intestines of animals, after adding the Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus casei, also attempted to determine their effect of two types of Lactic acid bacteria in decreasing the effect of Benzoic acid to the according to the above-mentioned criteria.The results Showed The presence of benzoic acid at concentrations ranging from 3,76 to 877, 4 mg/l in samples of Iraqi origin Raubi brand juices and mark Sunquick Danish origin respectively. Also that the effect of concentrations of Benzoic acid in drinking water animals led to significant reduction in the body weight of animals with increasing the concentration of those materials, as the biochemical parameters for each of the Total protein, Albumin and Globulin did not vary significantly. A highly significant different has been got in the values of each of the Uric acid, Creatinine and Urea with increase in the concentration of Benzoic acid. Values of each of the enzyme ALP, ALT and AST had been significantly increased with the increase concentration of benzoic acid. It also found that the effect of Benzoic acid in drinking water led to a balance in the numbers and types of microorganisms in the rat's intestines, the addition of this materials led to sovereignty of pathogenic in large intestinal, Jejunum and Duodenum. The addition of two types of lactic acid bacteria Lb. casei and Lb. acidophilus led to decreasing the negative effect of all additives and contaminants on the values of all the parameters determined.