تأثير مصادر اضافة الحديد في نمو وانتاج الباذنـجان (Solanum melogena L.)


A field experiment was conducted in Horticulture Dept farm- College of Agriculture-Babylon University in Loamy soil during the growing season 2011/2012 under drip irrigation system to study the effect of application FeSO4.7H2O (20% Fe) and Fe DDHA (6%Fe) by 8kg.ha-1 with or without Citric acid by 1.6 kg,ha-1 in two application methods (soil and foliar) on some growth parameters, yield and response percentage of Eggplant (Solanum melogena) (Rema variety).Split split plot design in three rcplications was used with thirty six experimental units. Results can be stunmerized as follow:1- post harvest available soil iron was increased by 22%,l5% due to the application of chelated and mineral iron respectively.2-post harvest available soil iron was increased due to the application of citric acid with iron in the two application methods compared to the control.3-Fe EDDHA and FeSO4.7H2O significantly increased the yield of Eggplant by 27%and 21% respectively and same behavior was found for citric acid in increasing theyield. Also the soil application method revealed more increases in growth parameters ,yield and response percentages to iron fertilizers in relation to foliar application.4-Application of FeEDDHA and FeSO4,7H2O significantly iron concentration in theplants by 35%, l8% respectivly, The addition of citric acid and soil application method also increased iron concentration in eggplant tissues.5- The plant response percentage to FeEDDHA and FeSO4.7H2O fertilizers application were 21% , 17% respectively. The citric acid application with the above fertilizers increased the response percentage in soil and foliar application methods