Effect of varieties,water quality and foliar fertilization on the growth of some wheat varieties


This study was carried out in Albargh district ( 30) km northern east Kerbala city during the winter season of 2013 – 2014 starting from Nov.,8th ,2013 till April,18th, 2014. The aim of the study was to improve the ability of wheat plant by the addition of Algidex as a foliar fertilizer to the irrigation with saline water and the effect of wheat cultivars and their interactions on the growth , Tillers , number of leaves , flag leaf area , the absolute growth and relative growthFactorial experiment within Completely Randomized Design (CRD ) was adopted. The 1st factor represented two types of irrigation water(i.e.river water and saline water) ,the 2nd factor represented three concentrations of Algidex ( i.e. 0, 0,5 and 1.0) g.l _1, and the 3rd factor represented five wheat cultivars( i.e. Iraq , IPA–95,Fateh , Sham 6 and Sali) with three replicates . The experiment was as pots experiment 7 kg soil capacity ,20 seeds were sown in each pot on Nov.8th , 2013 thinned to 7 seedlings 15 days later.Foliar application was carried out three times during the experiment period i.e. on Dec. 13th ,2013 , on Feb. 16th , 2014 and on March, 15 th, 2014. Data were statistically analyzed and means were compared using least significant difference (L .S.D) at 0.05 probability level .Results could be summarized as follow :Affected the moral qualities of the varieties under study as it gave Cham Class 6 the highest values in the number of tillers , number of leaves , the absolute growth rate, relative growth , giving valuable 4.772 , 15.630 , 0.038 , 0.0088 . Respectively . As the irrigation water quality has been achieved in the treatment of river water higher values in plant height , number of tillers , and the number of securities , it has been equally divided, the water quality in a number of qualities are flag leaf area , the absolute growth and relative growthInfluenced Foliar fertilizer levels Algidex moral image has plants came treatment level Samadhi 1.0 g .ltr -1 highest values of the attributes of higher plants totaled 64.463 cm Uadd tillers valued at 4.495 sprouts, and an area of flag leaf value of 41.916 cm 2 and the rate of relative growth value of 0.0080 while treatment plants achieved a level of Samadhi 0.5 Gm.ltr -1 higher values of the attributes of the number of securities valued at 14.119 and leaf and the rest of the absolute growth amounted to 0.0368.Affected bilateral interactions morally in some recipes growth .az effect of overlap between the product and the compost paper morally in plant height and number of tillers and leaf area of science and the relative rate of growth. And the impact of bilateral interaction between water quality and manure paperwork in plant height, tillers, leaf flag and the relative growth area .. after a triple overlap between study factors morally in each of plant height, tillers, flag leaf area and relative growth rate.